7 Ideas for Employee Rewards

7 Ideas for Employee Rewards

7 Ideas for Employee Rewards

Shake up your workplace with these ideas for employee rewards

Things are a little tense right now, so what better time to put some fun into the workplace. Between the novel Coronavirus, the election, and the turbulent stock market, chances are, your employees are all more on edge than normal, and you could use some ideas for employee rewards.

Things will likely be very different for businesses in the coming months, but once everything settles, your employees will appreciate some fun rewards or diversions. Here are seven ideas for employee rewards to show your appreciation and help keep your best employees loyal, even during the tough times.

1. Employee party

Many workplaces opt for the traditional holiday party, but this year think about mixing it up with a summertime shindig. We are in the pet business, so choose a pet-friendly location and even work in entertaining activities for employee’s dogs like races, games, or challenges.

Or take this opportunity to give out personalized awards or superlatives. They honor your employees in a fun way that’s lighthearted, but still show you care and are paying attention.

You could also use the time out as a great occasion to let your employees unleash some pent-up aggression. Set up playful activities like water gun or paintball fights, or even a dunk tank.

2. Anything food related

Pretty much everyone gets excited about food. It could be donuts in the break room, gift cards to coffee shops, or taco bars. Otherwise go for treats outside of work like mail order cooking services, cooking classes, or an annual company dinner.

It might feel odd to use food as a motivator, but like our furry friends, most of us are usually thrilled to get some tasty treats.

3. Show an interest in their health

This is a two-part motivator. It will incentivize employees to keep loyally working for your company and will also lower a lot of your costs in the long run. Organize an employee 5K (walk/run, it doesn’t have to be crazy) and keep healthier snacks on deck. Or give access to interesting fitness options like dance lessons, a rock wall climbing class, or even something more unusual like puppy or goat yoga.

Personal training sessions and gym memberships are classic ways to encourage healthier habits, but also promote a nice work-life balance. Employees need to feel that you encourage a full and flourishing life outside of work.

If you sense that your employees are getting burnt out, consider working in mental health incentives like spa days for top employees.

4. Giving back as a team

Organize company events that can give back to your community in some way. Most Millennial and Gen Z employees are already more attracted to companies that make a difference, so involve them to build morale and increase company loyalty. They’ll be even more engaged and excited to join in if you give them the option to choose their preferred charitable project.

But if you think your employees will be more interested in giving back with a side of glitz and glamour, look into buying a company table at an upcoming charitable gala.

5. Personalized thanks

Never underestimate the power of a simple, but sincere and personalized note to your employees. An Employee of the Month celebration is also a fantastic way to honor employees. Otherwise, consider encouraging employee-to-employee praise.

It may feel hokey, but everyone will feel not only grateful, but more at home in your company. When they know that they’ve built a sincere bond with those around them they’re more incentivized to give their best.

6. Enjoying your community

As a small to midsize business, you’re much more part of your local community than the average big box stores, so you should let your employees appreciate what your neighboring businesses offer.

This could be a tour and tasting at local wineries, breweries, or distilleries, or a food tour of local eateries. Otherwise, consider tickets to go see your local team play or a nearby theater production, or a day out at a favorite local museum.

7. Chances for betterment

Though it’s less on the obvious “fun” side of employee incentives, professional development and opportunities for growth is something that many workers’ crave. Give them access to further education, conferences, guest speakers, or the opportunity to work one-on-one with a mentor.

These are especially appealing rewards for your employees with the most promise and drive. If you provide them the opportunity, they’ll take the chance and become a better employee and a better person overall.

Ready to shake things up at your pet business? Get in touch with me today for more personalized incentives, one-on-one mentoring, and ideas for employee rewards.

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