How to Capture the Millennial Market for your Pet Business

How to Capture the Millennial Market for your Pet Business

How to Capture the Millennial Market for your Pet Business

3 Changes You Should Make Today

You’ve undoubtedly heard plenty about millennials over the years—I’ve even written about the best ways to manage this generation. But what you might not know is that millennials are the biggest pet owning cohort in the country and are readily spending on their pets more than any previous generation.

In fact, spending on pets has been increasing at incredible rates in recent years. As millennials put off having children longer, or forgo it all together, many in this generation are opting to build their families around “fur babies” instead. And when pets are a real part of the family, it often means they’re getting the very best. From buying organic food, to higher-end grooming, to more frequent vet visits, millennials are spending on their pets.

What this means is it is necessary to capture this generation, currently the largest in the country, if you want your pet business to keep growing. Unfortunately, the tried and true methods of advertising and marketing simply don’t work on most in this generation (or Gen Z). So, here are a few tips to ensure you can position your business to gain the loyalty of this essential customer base.

Make it Easy

Even with pet industry sales soaring, many brick and mortar pet businesses find themselves fighting to stay afloat. In a world dominated by Amazon and same-day delivery, it can feel impossible for a small to mid-size business to keep up. You may never have their infrastructure, but you can still build a clean and easy-to-navigate website and encourage ecommerce.

One concept that’s been building steam recently are curated subscription boxes. Of course, the contents would vary based on your product lines, but an assortment of treats, toys, or training tools that you can deliver each month or two will go a long way toward differentiating your company and building a loyal following.

And if shipping out products is beyond the scope of your abilities right now, consider something like a shop online/pick-up in-store initiative. No matter what, shopping should be as easy and accessible as possible.

Make your Presence Known

I already mentioned that traditional methods of advertising aren’t as effective with millennials, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reach them. You need a strong online presence where your company’s personality and values are on clear display. Engage with fans on social media and encourage user-generated content by showing genuine interest.

However, nothing builds trust and credibility today quite like reviews and testimonials. Social proof, especially frequent and recent positive reviews, is essential to gaining the faith of a skeptical and choice-ridden consumer. But how do you get these precious testimonials? Just ask. Never underestimate what a simple and transparent request can get you.

Make a Difference

In a world where every industry is packed with competitors, it’s hard to stand out and gain a real following. However, being socially conscious is one approach that increased millennial brand loyalty. This could mean taking a stand on issues that genuinely mean something to you, or seeking out fair trade, sustainable, organic, or local products whenever possible.

It could also mean investing in your community and taking part in local events and charities. And this won’t just drive more millennials to choose your company over your competitors—it will also make them more likely to want to work for you.

Other ways to attract the millennial market include investing in worthwhile loyalty programs, having reassuring ways to help care for the pets while the owners are at work all day, like doggy day care with pick-up options, or even selling “alternative” wellness products like CBD oil.

But no matter how you get there, it’s time to make a change and offer more if you want a real chance at attracting the biggest pet spenders today.

For individualized insights on how you can better attract new markets to your pet business, contact us for a consultation today!

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